Payson Keeler- Ayla Marie Kell

For anybody who knows me, knows I have a slight obsession with make it or break it- considering I used to be a gymnast it makes alot of sense
anyway, my favourite character not only for her beautiful personality but her incredible curves, blonde hair and all round peaceful look.

If you get a chance watch an episode!
The guys are amazing actors aswell ; 
Zane- sex godess also known as
Austin in Make it or Break it

Johnny Pacar- personality of the most desirable  boy
and a jaw that will kill- also known as Damon

1 comment:

  1. I love Make it or Break it as well. And I also have some kind of obsession. I have never been training gymnastic but beacuse of that movie I fell in love to gymnastic and now I want to train some. I know I'm to old for that sport and I will never win an Olympic Medal, still it bacame my passion.
    I do it just like Emily - I don't have money for professional club so I train in home and in the park on a playground. Funny feeling.
    By the way, I'm from Poland. My name is Nika. And I really like your blog. Especially this main thought.
    Good luck.
